• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. – The New York Giants have had a forgettable season to say the least, however Sunday afternoon it was a different story. New York jumped out of the gate hot, and used that momentum to help them sustain a lead over the Chicago Bears for most of the game. Going into the final two minutes of the game, the Giants were up by 10 and looked like they would cruise to a victory. This would not be the case, as Chicago would score twice, convert a couple pivotal fourth downs and even recover an onside kick.

(Photo Credit: Barry Holmes) This was the scene when Chicago scored to bring them within an extra point of OT as time expired.
(Photo Credit: Barry Holmes) This was the scene when Chicago scored to bring them within an extra point of OT as time expired.

This led to a very unlikely 27-27 tie at the end of regulation, to the dismay of many Giant fans and elation for the Bears fans that hadn’t left. The problem with teams that are under .500, is that the losing starts to overcome their minds. Instead of thinking how to close out teams, they start to think how are we going to lose this one? This game just had a very eerie feel to it, especially when Chicago started driving down the field to pull the game within one score. Once the Bears recovered the onside kick, you just had that gut feeling that this would be another game that the Giants would lose that they shouldn’t have.

The Bears would go on to score the game tying touchdown and extra point as time expired, which forced OT. New York on the ensuing drive to start OT, would score a field goal to go up 30-27. It was then the defense’s turn to come up with a key stop, and finally deliver the Giants their fourth win of the season. That is just what they did as Chase Daniel‘s final pass was batted down, which sent MetLife Stadium into an uproar.

(Photo Credit: Barry Holmes) Daniel was unable to complete the comeback for Chicago.
(Photo Credit: Barry Holmes) Daniel was unable to complete the comeback for Chicago.

This win brings the Giants to a 4-8 record, and you can’t help but think about what could’ve been this season. The Giants were deemed a “win now” team as the preseason started, amidst the doubters. With wins like this one over a playoff bound Chicago team, it is frustrating trying to understand how New York is last in the NFC East.

This team’s inconsistency speaks to the change in culture that is needed in New York. Too often mediocrity is tolerated within this organization, and promises of “next year” linger season after season. With each win, the Giants move further down the draft board. However, the culture that once was “Big Blue” needs to be re-established not only for those in the locker room, but for those free agents looking to join a contender. So even though the playoffs are out of reach, the Giants need to play with that same fire and desire to end these final four games. If the Giants can win out and end with an 8-8 record, that could be very encouraging and restore faith within the organization.

Barry Holmes is a Senior Writer for PureSportsNY.com. Follow him on Twitter @BHO732

(Featured Photo Credit: Barry Holmes/PureSportsNY)


By Barry Holmes

Graduate of Millersville University, with a BS in Communications focused in Broadcast. Senior Writer & Social Media Manager for PureSportsNY.

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