• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ – Two days after a game in which the Brooklyn Nets put up 44 points in one quarter and still lost, the Nets head back home for game 6. The question this time is do the Nets have any fight left in the tank. The past two games for the Nets have been heart-breaking losses both coming down to the fourth quarter. One game they came back and couldn’t score in the final five minutes and the second game in which they also came back and lost by a Andray Blatche turnover and a possible missed call. Either way the pattern  here with the Nets has been that they haven’t been starting the game the way they should be. If Brooklyn wants to win they need to start fast and set a tone for the rest of the game on their home court. Home is where the Nets are supposed to be almost unbeatable and they provided the confidence that the Raptors needed by handing them a win at the Barclays Sunday night in a close to must win game for Brooklyn.

The Raptors’ PG Kyle Lowry has been nothing short of stunning for Toronto and seems to be the only guy Brooklyn has no answer for. He dropped 36 Wednesday night in Game 5 allowing the Raptors to escape a what would have been, historic comeback for Brooklyn.

“We still won the game,” said Lowry, who made the go-ahead 3-pointer after the Nets had tied it a 106. “At the end of the day, the `W’ still counts. It’s a positive, we won the game. We learned from the things we did and we learn. We’re winning the series right now and we have to go out and win another game.”

Going into tonight’s game the Raptors do not plan to win the series at home, but see tonight as a must win in Brooklyn. Paul Pierce on the other hand doesn’t see it quite the same…

“One game at a time, we got to take care of home. I think we will play better on Friday at home and we’ll see them back here Sunday.” Pierce said.

For Brooklyn they better hope Truth plays just as well as he can talk or the Nets will have to take a walk. As far as the Nets’ true playmaker Joe Johnson, Jason Kidd doesn’t believe the referees are calling it fair when it come to Toronto seemingly baiting the Nets most productive player into foul trouble.

“If flopping is the way to go, then we have to maybe play that game,” Kidd said Thursday. “But Joe is a strong individual and unfortunately, he doesn’t flop. He plays and he doesn’t complain. But that’s why we have officials, for them to make calls.”

The Raptors have complained about bad officiating the whole series however they seem to be getting the better end of the calls. The Raptors duo of Lowry and DeRozan got to the line 23 times in Game 5 alone, while Johnson was put there only once.

There’s no doubt Brooklyn will be putting it all on the line this game as their playoff hopes are on the line, but the Raptors with a boost of sudden confidence and free throw attempts could steal the series from Brooklyn and move on to round two against Miami.

PureSportsNY: Bobby O’Hara


By Bobby O'Hara

Bobby is a graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting where he studied TV, Radio, and Journalism. Growing up in New Jersey, he is a hometown guy who loves the local fans’ passion for the game. Bobby currently covers football for PureSportsNY. Graduating with awards in both audio and video production, Bobby also produces video and graphics.

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